Payroll Attendance

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Attendance and Payroll Integration

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What it does

This module connects the Attendance and Payroll modules, allowing users to automatically load all employees' attendance data into payslips, as a base for payroll.

Key Features

After installing this module, in addition to the Working Calendar Info, Leave Summary, a Summary of Attendance will be added on the employee's pay slip with the following information:

  • Late Coming Hours: total hours of late coming during the payslip period.
  • Early Leave Hours: total hours of early leaves during the payslip period.
  • Late Comings: number of times the employee came late during the payslip period.
  • Early Leaves: number of times the employee leave earlier that the expected contracted check-out time during the payslip period.
  • Missing Check-outs: the number of times the employee forgot to check-out during the payslip period.
  • Total Attendance (in hours): The total time that the employee had been attending during the payslip period.
  • Total Valid Attendance (in hours): The total valid time (that matches the employee's contracted working schedule) that the employee had been attending during the payslip period.

All these data is automatically loaded from the Attendance module.

How to access attendance data from salary rules

# to get the employee attendance entries during the payslip period
attendance_entries = payslip.attendance_ids
# to get total attendance hours
total_attendance_hours = payslip.total_attendance_hours
# to get valid attendance hours
valid_attendance_hours = payslip.valid_attendance_hours
# to get total late coming hours
late_attendance_hours = payslip.late_attendance_hours
# to get total early leave hours
early_leave_hours = payslip.early_leave_hours
# to get number of late comes
late_attendance_count = payslip.late_attendance_count
# to get number of early leave
early_leave_count = payslip.early_leave_count
# to get number of times the employee forget to checkout
missing_checkout_count = payslip.missing_checkout_count

An example of basic wage computation based on total valid attendance

result = 0.0
# Loop over the payslip's working calendar lines that link to contract for wage calculation
for line in working_month_calendar_lines.filtered(lambda l: l.contract_id):
    result += line.contract_id.wage * line.valid_attendance_hours / line.calendar_working_hours

An example of missing checkout penalty

Assume each missing checkout would cost $5

result = 5 * payslip.missing_checkout_count

Editions Supported

  1. Community Edition
  2. Enterprise Edition